


# Authors Title Journal DOI Impact Factor (IF)
1 Koh, P. Y., Chua, J. Y., Chan, P. Y., & Shorey, S.c Effectiveness of universal community engagement childhood obesity interventions at improving weight-related and behavioral outcomes among children and adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis Nutrients, 16(20), 3465 10.3390/nu16203465 4.80
2 Tioe, T. J. Q., Khoo, S. M., Tay, J. S. L., Ang, M. Q., Koh, S. S. L., & Shorey, S.c Maternal experiences and preference of maternity services in singapore: A descriptive qualitative study Midwifery 10.1016/j.midw.2024.104194 2.60
3 Cheong, D. Y. B., Pereira, T. L., Huang, Z., & Shorey, S.c Navigating uncharted waters: A mixed studies systematic review of elective female fertility preservation for women Journal of Clinical Nursing 10.1111/jocn.17472 3.20
4 Chua, J. Y. X., Chan, Y. H., & Shorey, S.c Development of the paternal involvement in Early Infancy Scale (PEACE) for fathers in singapore Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 79, 213–224 10.1016/j.pedn.2024.09.013 2.10
5 Tan, C. X. Y., Chua, J. S., & Shorey, S.c Effectiveness of text message reminders on paediatric appointment adherence: a systematic review and meta-analysis European Journal of Pediatrics 10.1007/s00431-024-05769-z 3.00
6 Shah, L., Chua, J. Y. X., Goh, Y. S., Chee, C. Y. I., Chong, S. C., Mathews, J., Lim, L. H. K., Chan, Y. H., Mörelius, E., & Shorey, S.c Effectiveness of peer support interventions in improving mothers' psychosocial well-being during the perinatal period: A systematic review and meta-analysis Worldviews on Evidence-based Nursing 10.1111/wvn.12747 3.40
7 Chee, C. Y. I., Ng, J. Q. X., Liu, V. C., & Shorey, S.c Strength amidst struggles: A descriptive qualitative study of maternal experiences of low socioeconomic status mothers in the third month postpartum Journal of Advanced Nursing 10.1111/jan.16426 3.80
8 Pereira, T. L., Wichaikhum, O. A., Nantsupawat, A., Rajendrana, P., Baladram, S., & Shorey, S.c Recognising the Parental Caregiver Burden of Children With Mental Disorders: A Systematic Mixed-Studies Review International Journal of Mental Health Nursing 10.1111/inm.13417 3.60
9 Chua, J. Y., Choolani, M., Chee, C. Y., Huso, Y. I., Chan, Y. H., Lalor, J. G., Chong, Y. S., & Shorey, S.c The effectiveness of Parentbot - A digital healthcare assistant - on parenting outcomes: A randomized controlled trial International Journal of Nursing Studies, 104906 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2024.104906 7.50
10 Lim, C. Y., Chan, P. Y., & Shorey, S.c Perceptions of game-based education among parents during the perinatal period: A mixed studies review Journal of Advanced Nursing 10.1111/jan.16392 3.80
11 Shorey, S., Ng, J. Q. X., Liu, V. C., Chan, Y. H., & Chee, C. Y. I. Nurturing networks: A prospective longitudinal study of factors influencing help-seeking behaviours among mothers from low socioeconomic status Journal of Advanced Nursing 10.1111/jan.16382 3.80
12 Yeo, Y., Wong, J. C. M., Pereira, T. L., & Shorey, S.c A qualitative systematic review of adolescent's perceptions of sleep: Awareness of, barriers to and strategies for promoting healthy sleep patterns Journal of Clinical Nursing 10.1111/jocn.17401 3.20
13 Archuleta, S., Ibrahim, H., Pereira, T. L., & Shorey, S.c Microaggression Interactions Among Healthcare Professionals, Trainees and Students in the Clinical Environment: A Mixed-Studies Review Trauma, Violence & Abuse 10.1177/15248380241265380 5.40
14 Nurumal, Mohd. S., Rohim, M. A., Jamaludin, S., Shorey, S., & Noviani, W. The first-time fathers' experiences in early fatherhood: A descriptive qualitative study International Journal of Care Scholars, 7(2), 56–68 10.31436/ijcs.v7i2.362 1.00
15 Pereira, T. L., Ang, E., Aayisha, Naidu, K. N. C., Chan, Y. H., & Shorey, S.c Ontological coaching among nursing undergraduates: a pilot randomized controlled (OCEAN) trial Medical Education Online, 29(1), 2379109 10.1080/10872981.2024.2379109 3.10
16 Tan, W. L., Sambhi, S. K., & Shorey, S.c Experiences of paediatric terminal oncology patients and their parents in palliative care: A qualitative systematic review Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 78, e187–e198 10.1016/j.pedn.2024.07.005 2.40
17 Liu, V. C., Nelson, L. E., & Shorey, S.c Experiences of women receiving trauma-informed care: A qualitative systematic review Trauma Violence & Abuse, 25(4), 3054-3065 10.1177/15248380241234346 5.40
18 Shorey, S., Chee, C., Sambhi, S. K., Chong, S. C., & Choolani, M. Fathers' experiences with supportive parenting interventions: A qualitative systematic review Family Process 10.1111/famp.13037 2.60
19 Chong, S. C., Aishworiya, R., Seo, W. L., Chiong, Y. K., Koh, G. C., Lin, J. B., Heng, L., Habib Mohd, T., Saw, Y. E., Chan, Y. H., Chua, J. S., & Shorey, S.c Health practices, behaviours and quality of life of low-income preschoolers: A community-based cross-sectional comparison study in Singapore Annals of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore, 53(3), 142–151 10.47102/annals-acadmedsg.2023168 2.40
20 Tang, B. W. J., Ibrahim, B. B., & Shorey, S.c Complex journeys of adolescents after induced abortion: A qualitative systematic review Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 77, e67–e80 10.1016/j.pedn.2024.03.033 2.10
21 Liow, Y., Lazarus, M., Loh, V., Shorey, S., Chee, C., Young, D., & Valderas, J. M. Primary care physicians' perspectives on the identification and management of postnatal mental health problems Family Practice, 41(2), 185–193 10.1093/fampra/cmae003 2.40
22 Shorey, S.c, Ng, J. Q. X., Liu, V. C., & Chee, C. Y. I. Cradling disparities: A descriptive qualitative study of maternal experiences of mothers from low-socioeconomic status in the first month postpartum Journal of Advanced Nursing 10.1111/jan.16225 3.80
23 Shorey, S.c, Thilagamangai, Mathews, J., Lim, S. H., Shi, L., Chua, J. S., Du, R., Chan, Y. H., Tan, T. C., Chee, C., & Chong, Y. S. Effects of parental predictors on postpartum depression Western Journal of Nursing Research, 46(7), 517–524 10.1177/01939459241254774 2.00
24 Mohamed Nazeer, N. S. B., Chua, J. S., & Shorey, S.c Birth plan and fathers: A scoping review Midwifery, 135, 104053 10.1016/j.midw.2024.104053 2.60
25 Chua, J. Y. X., Choolani, M., Chee, C. Y. I., Yi, H., Chan, Y. H., Lalor, J. G., Chong, Y. S., & Shorey, S.c Parent's perceptions of their parenting journeys and a mobile app intervention (Parentbot-A Digital Healthcare Assistant): Qualitative process evaluation Journal of Medical Internet Research, 26, e56894 10.2196/56894 5.80
26 Kim, E. Y. Y., Nelson, L. E., Pereira, T. L., & Shorey, S.c Barriers to and Facilitators of Help-Seeking Among Men Who are Victims of Domestic Violence: A Mixed-Studies Systematic Review Trauma, Violence & Abuse, 25(3), 2189–2203 10.1177/15248380231209435 5.40
27 Chua, J. Y. X., Kan, E. M., Lee, P. P., & Shorey, S.c Application of the Stanford Biodesign framework in healthcare innovation training and commercialization of market appropriate products: A scoping review Journal of Medical Systems, 48(1), 44 10.1007/s10916-024-02067-x 5.30
28 Dennis, C. L., McQueen, K., Dol, J., Brown, H., Beck, C., & Shorey, S.c Psychometrics of the breastfeeding self-efficacy scale and short form: A systematic review BMC Public Health, 24(1), 637 10.1186/s12889-024-17805-6 4.50
29 Chua, J. Y. X., Choolani, M., Lalor, J. G., Chong, Y. S., & Shorey, S.c Insights of healthcare professionals regarding waterbirths and water immersion during labour: A mixed studies review Journal of Advanced Nursing, 80(6), 2156–2166 10.1111/jan.15975 3.80
30 Dennis, C. L., Abbass-Dick, J., Birken, C., Dennis-Grantham, A., Goyal, D., Singla, D., Letourneau, N., McQueen, K., Shorey, S., & Dol, J. Influence of paternal preconception health on pregnancy, intrapartum, postpartum and early childhood outcomes: Protocol for a parallel scoping review BMJ Open, 14(5), e084209 10.1136/bmjopen-2024-084209 2.90
31 Pereira, T. L.-B., Rajendran, P. D. O., Nantsupawat, A., & Shorey, S.c Fathers' breastfeeding knowledge, attitudes, and involvement in the Asian context: A mixed-studies review Midwifery, 131, 103956 10.1016/j.midw.2024.103956 2.70
32 Shorey, S.c, Mattar, C., Pereira, T. L., & Choolani, M. A scoping review of ChatGPT's role in healthcare education and research Nurse Education Today, 135, 106121 10.1016/j.nedt.2024.106121 3.90
33 Hya, K. M., Huang, Z., Chua, C. M. S., & Shorey, S.c Experiences of men undergoing assisted reproductive technology: A qualitative systematic review International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 165(1), 9–21 10.1002/ijgo.15082 3.80
34 Shorey, S.c Tam, T. C., Thilagamangai, Mathews, J., Lim, S. H., Shi, L., Chua, J. S., Chan, Y. H., Law, E., Chee, C., & Chong, Y. S. 'Been there, experienced that': A qualitative study on the experiences and perceptions of online peer volunteers in supporting Singaporean mothers at risk of depression Journal of Advanced Nursing, 00, 1–12 10.1111/jan.15867 3.80
35 Chua, J. Y. X., Choolani, M., Lalor, J. G., Yi, H., Chong, Y. S., & Shorey, S.c Perceptions of healthcare professionals regarding labour induction and augmentation: A qualitative systematic review Women and Birth, 37(1), 79–87 10.1016/j.wombi.2023.09.003 3.80
36 Wong, J. C. M., Chua, J. Y. X., Chan, P. Y., & Shorey, S.c Effectiveness of educational interventions in reducing the stigma of healthcare professionals and healthcare students towards mental illness: A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal of Advanced Nursing 10.1111/jan.16127 3.80
37 Ang, W. H. D., Shorey, S., Zheng, Z. J., Ng, W. H. D., Chen, E. C., Shah, L., Chew, H. S. J., & Lau, Y. Evaluating the online Resilience Skills Enhancement programme among undergraduate students: A double-blind parallel randomized controlled trial Stress and health : journal of the International Society for the Investigation of Stress, 40(4), e3367 10.1002/smi.3367 4.10
38 Rajendran, P., Jarasiunaite-Fedosejeva, G., İsbir, G. G., & Shorey, S.c Healthy siblings' perspectives about paediatric palliative care: A qualitative systematic review and meta-synthesis Palliative Medicine, 38(1), 25–41 10.1177/02692163231217597 4.40
39 Chan, S. H., & Shorey, S.c Effectiveness of psychosocial interventions on the psychological outcomes of parents with preterm infants: A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 74, 23-34 10.1016/j.pedn.2023.10.028 2.40
40 Chua, C. M. S., Chua, J. Y. X., & Shorey, S.c Effectiveness of home-based interventions in improving loneliness and social connectedness among older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis Aging & Mental Health, 28(1), 1–10 10.1080/13607863.2023.2237919 3.40
41 Shorey, S., & Baladram, S. "Does it really get better after Dad leaves?" Children's experiences with domestic violence: A qualitative systematic review Trauma, Violence & Abuse, 25(1), 542–559 10.1177/15248380231156197 6.40
42 Tan, M. Y. N., Ni, Z., Liu, A. S. H., & Shorey, S.c The influence of social media on student nurses: A systematic mixed-studies review Nurse Education Today, 132, 106000 10.1016/j.nedt.2023.106000 3.90
43 Chong, S. H., Aishworiya, R., Seo, W. L., Chiong, Y. K., Koh, G. C-H., Lin, J. B., Heng, L., Mohd, T. H., Saw, Y. E., Chan, Y. H., Chua, J. S., Shorey, S.c Health practices , behaviours and quality of life of low-income preschoolers: A community-based cross-sectional comparison study in Singapore ANNALS Academy of Medicine Singapore, 53(3), 142-151 10.47102/annals-acadmedsg.2023168 5.20


# Authors Title Journal DOI Impact Factor (IF)
44 Yong, M. Q. Y., Yeo, Y., & Shorey, S.c Factors affecting unintended pregnancy resolution from the perspectives of pregnant women and people: A systematic review of qualitative evidence Midwifery, 127, 103866 10.1016/j.midw.2023.103866 2.70
45 Shorey, S.c & Ng, E. D. Midwives' perceptions of and experiences with normal physiologic birth: A qualitative systematic review Birth- Issues in Perinatal Care, 50(4), 749–763 10.1111/birt.12763 2.50
46 Nur, A. B. S. S., Chua, J. Y. X., & Shorey, S.c Effectiveness of community-based family-focused interventions on family functioning among families of children with chronic health conditions: A systematic review and meta-analysis Family Process, 62(4), 1408–1422 10.1111/famp.12930 3.90
47 Zhong, X. F., & Shorey, S.c Experiences of workplace violence among healthcare workers in home care settings: A qualitative systematic review International Nursing Review 10.1111/inr.12822 4.10
48 Rampal, L., Liew, B. S., Choolani, M., & Shorey, S.c Evaluating healthcare response to COVID-19 across Southeast Asia: A post-Pandemic Reflection and Way Forward The Medical Journal of Malaysia, 78(6), 689–695 0.245
49 Azman, N. B. N., Zhou, T. W., & Shorey, S.c Perceptions of healthcare professionals and students about interventions addressing implicit bias and microaggression: A mixed-studies systematic review Nurse Education in Practice, 73, 103820 10.1016/j.nepr.2023.103820 3.20
50 Sohmaran, C., Bte Mohamed Rahim, A., Chua, J. Y. X., & Shorey, S.c Perceptions of primiparous women diagnosed with gestational diabetes mellitus: A descriptive qualitative study Midwifery, 125 10.1016/j.midw.2023.103802 2.70
51 Ching, H., Chua, J. Y. X., Chua, J. S., & Shorey, S.c The effectiveness of technology-based cognitive behavioral therapy on perinatal depression and anxiety: A systematic review and meta-analysis Worldviews on Evidence-based Nursing, 20(5), 451–464 10.1111/wvn.12673 4.30
52 Heng, T. J. T., & Shorey, S.c Experiences of moral distress in nursing students – A qualitative systematic review Nurse Education Today, 129 10.1016/j.nedt.2023.105912 3.90
53 Ko, S. Q., Chua, C. M. S., Koh, S. H., Lim, Y. W., & Shorey, S.c Experiences of patients and their caregivers in a Virtual Ward in Singapore: A descriptive qualitative study International Journal of Medical Informatics, 177 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2023.105111 4.90
54 Chua, J. Y. X., Choolani, M., Chee, C. Y. I., Yi, H., Chan, Y. H., Lalor, J. G., & Shorey, S.c 'Parentbot-A Digital healthcare Assistant (PDA)': A mobile application-based perinatal intervention for parents: Development study Patient Education and Counselling, 114 10.1016/j.pec.2023.107805 3.50
55 Chong, S. C., Teo, W. Z., & Shorey, S.c Exploring the perception of parents on children's screen time: a systematic review and meta-synthesis of qualitative studies Pediatrics Research, 1-11 10.1038/s41390-023-02555-9 3.70
56 Shorey, S., Chua, C. M. S., Chan, V., & Chee, C. Y. I. Women living with domestic violence: Ecological framework-guided qualitative systematic review Aggression and Violent Behavior, 71 10.1016/j.avb.2023.101835 4.60
57 Shorey, S.c, Chua, C. M. S., & Yap Seng, C. Turbulent academic journey of female academics: a meta-synthesis International Journal of Inclusive Education, 1-21 10.1080/13603116.2023.2227862 2.20
58 Chiang, R. K. Q., & Shorey, S.c Men's experiences of antenatal care services in low-income and middle-income countries: A qualitative systematic review Birth-Issues in Perinatal Care, 50(2), 276-286 10.1111/birt.12688 2.50
59 Lin, J. W., & Shorey, S.c Online peer support communities in the infertility journey: A systematic mixed-studies review International Journal of Nursing Studies, 140 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2023.104454 8.10
60 Lalor, J. G., Sheaf, G., Mulligan, A., Ohaja, M., Clive, A., Murphy-Tighe, S., & Shorey, S.c Parental experiences with changes in maternity care during the Covid-19 pandemic: A mixed-studies systematic review Women and Birth, 36(2), e203-e212 10.1016/j.wombi.2022.08.004 3.80
61 Hoon Lim, S., Aloweni, F., Ang, S. Y., Ayre, T. C., Uthaman, T., Hassan, N., & Shorey, S. Memories of nursing in Singapore – an oral history approach Journal of Research in Nursing, 28(1), 7-20 10.1177/17449871231152075 3.10
62 Ko, S. Q., Chua, C. M. S., Koh, S. H., Lim, Y. W., & Shorey, S.c Experiences of Patients and Their Caregivers Admitted to a Hospital-at-Home Program in Singapore: a Descriptive Qualitative Study Journal of General Internal Medicine, 38(3), 691-698 10.1007/s11606-022-07765-1 5.70
63 Nantsupawat, A., Wichaikhum, O. A., Abhicharttibutra, K., Udkunta, K., Poghosyan, L., & Shorey, S.c Factors influencing evidence-based practice among undergraduate nursing students: A cross-sectional analysis International journal of nursing sciences, 10(3), 367–372 10.1016/j.ijnss.2023.06.002 8.10
64 Loh, H. F., Lee, J. R., Tan, A. R., Goh, X. L., Low, Y. F., Ng, Y. P. M., & Shorey, S. Emotional journey of Asian mothers of premature infants who received pasteurised donor human milk: a qualitative study Archives of Disease in Childhood-fetal and Neonatal Edition, 108, 348-353 10.1136/archdischild-2022-324748 4.40
65 Chua, J. Y. X., Choolani, M., Chee, C. Y. I., Chan, Y. H., Lalor, J. G., Chong, Y. S., & Shorey, S.c Insights of Parents and Parents‐To‐Be in Using Chatbots to Improve Their Preconception, Pregnancy, and Postpartum Health: A Mixed Studies Review Journal of Midwifery & Women's Health 10.1111/jmwh.13472 2.70
66 Shorey, S.c, Chong, Y. S., Shi, L., Chua, J. S., Thilagamangai, J., Mathews, J., & Law, E. Evaluating the Effects of the Supportive Parenting App on Infant Developmental Outcomes: Longitudinal Study JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 11(1) 10.2196/43885 5.00
67 Shorey, S.c, Lalor, J., Pereira, T. L. B., Jarasiunaite-Fedosejeva, G., & Downe, S. Decision‐making and future pregnancies after a positive fetal anomaly screen: A scoping review Journal of Clinical Nursing 10.1111/jocn.16628 4.20
68 Shorey, S.c, Asurlekar, A. R., Chua, J. S., & Lim, L. H. K. Influence of oxytocin on parenting behaviors and parent-child bonding: A systematic review Developmental Psychobiology, 65(2) 10.1002/dev.22359 2.20
69 Toh, R. K. C., & Shorey, S.c Experiences and needs of women from ethnic minorities in maternity healthcare: A qualitative systematic review and meta-aggregation Women and Birth, 36(1), 30-38 10.1016/j.wombi.2022.06.003 3.80
70 Shorey, S.c, Ang, E. N., Ng, E. D., Yap, J., Lau, L. S., Chui, C. K., & Chan, Y. H. Evaluation of a theory-based virtual counseling application in nursing education CIN: Computers Informatics Nursing, 10-1097 10.1097/CIN.0000000000000999 1.30
71 Shorey, S.c, Law, E., Thilagamangai., Mathews, J., Lim, S. H., Shi, L., & Chong, Y. S. Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Supportive Parenting App on Parental Outcomes: Randomized Controlled Trial Journal of Medical Internet Research, 25 10.2196/41859 7.40
72 Shorey, S.c, Jarasiunaite-Fedosejeva, G., Akik, B. K., Holopainen, A., Isbir, G. G., Chua, J. S., & Lalor, J. Trends and motivations for freebirth: A scoping review Birth-Issues in Perinatal Care 10.1111/birt.12702 2.50
73 Chua, A. P., Soh, Z. Y., Rahman, S. A., Luo, N., & Shorey, S. Lived experience of patients with sleep apnea: a systematic synthesis of qualitative evidence Quality of Life Research 10.1007/s11136-022-03332-7 3.50
74 Shorey, S.c, Tan, T. C., Thilagamangai., Mathews, J., Lim, S. H., Shi, L., & Chong, Y. S. Perinatal support for couples during COVID-19: A descriptive qualitative study Journal of Clinical Nursing 10.1111/jocn.16432 4.20
75 Shorey, S.c, Downe, S., Chua, J. Y. X., Byrne, S. O., Fobelets, M., & Lalor, J. G. Effectiveness of Psychological Interventions to Improve the Mental Well-Being of Parents Who Have Experienced Traumatic Childbirth: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Trauma Violence, & Abuse, 24(3), 1238-1253 10.1177/15248380211060808 6.40
76 Shorey, S.c, & Pereira, T. L. -B. Experiences of fathers caring for children with neurodevelopmental disorders: A meta-synthesis Family Process 10.1111/famp.12817 3.90
77 Shorey, S.c, & Chua, C. M. S. Perceptions, Experiences, and Needs of Adolescents About School-Based Sexual Health Education: Qualitative Systematic Review Archives of Sexual Behavior 10.1007/s10508-022-02504-3 3.80
78 Chua, C. M. S., Mathews, J., Ong, M. S. B., Liew, K. K., & Shorey, S.c Use of telelactation interventions to improve breastfeeding outcomes among mothers: A mixed-studies systematic review Women and Birth 10.1016/j.wombi.2022.06.011 3.80
79 See, E. C. W., Koh, S. S. L., Baladram, S., & Shorey, S.c Role transition of newly graduated nurses from nursing students to registered nurses: A qualitative systematic review Nurse Education Today, 121, 105702 10.1016/j.nedt.2022.105702 3.90
80 Goh, H. Q., Nelson, L. E., Teo, W. Z., Aidoo-Frimpong, G., Ramos, S. R., & Shorey, S.c Perspectives and thoughts of pregnant women and new mothers living with HIV receiving peer support: A mixed studies systematic review Journal of advanced nursing, 80(7), 2715–2727 10.1111/jan.16014 3.80
81 Hernández-Arriaza, M., Muñoz-San Roque, I., Aza Blanc, G. & Shorey, S.c Gen-Z university students' attitudes toward current global trends: environment, globalization, immigration, feminism and capitalism Globalisation Societies and Education 10.1080/14767724.2023.2265840 2.20
82 Ong, P., Cong, X., Yeo, Y., & Shorey, S.c Experiences of nurses managing parenthood and career: A systematic review and meta-synthesis International nursing review, 71(3), 610–625 10.1111/inr.12885 4.10
83 Chua, C. M. S., Nantsupawat, A., Wichaikhum, O. A., & Shorey, S.c Content and characteristics of evidence in the use of standardized patients for advanced practice nurses: A mixed-studies systematic review Nurse Education Today, 120 10.1016/j.nedt.2022.105621 3.90
84 Shorey, S.c, & Chua, J. Y. X. Effectiveness of peer support interventions for adults with depressive symptoms: a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal of Mental Health, 32(2), 465–479 10.1080/09638237.2021.2022630 3.30


# Authors Title Journal DOI Impact Factor (IF)
85 Shorey, S.c, & Wong, P. Z. E. Vicarious trauma experienced by health care providers involved in traumatic childbirths: A meta-synthesis Trauma Violence & Abuse, 14 pages 10.1177/15248380211013135 5.40
86 Ang, W. H. D., Shorey, S.c, Lopez, V., Chew, H. S. J., & Lau, Y. Generation Z undergraduate students' resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study Current Psychology 10.1007/s12144-021-01830-4 2.80
87 Ang, W. H. D., Chew, H. S. J., Ong, Y. H. N., Zheng, Z. J., Shorey, S. & Lau, Y. Becoming More Resilient during COVID-19: Insights from a Process Evaluation of Digital Resilience Training International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(19), 21 pages 10.3390/ijerph191912899 4.61
88 Ang, W. H. D., Shorey, S. Zheng, Z. J., Ng, W. H. D., Chen, E. C. W., Shah, L. B. I., ... & Lau, Y. Resilience for Undergraduate Students: Development and Evaluation of a Theory-Driven, Evidence-Based, and Learner-Centered Digital Resilience Skills Enhancement (RISE) Program International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(19), 12729 10.3390/ijerph191912729 4.61
89 Shorey, S.c Ng, E. D., Law, E. C., Wong, J. C. M., Loke, K. Y., & Tam, W. W. S. Physical Activity and Nutrition Interventions for Type 1 Diabetes: A Meta-analysis Pediatrics, 150(3), 16 pages 10.1542/peds.2022-056540 8.00
90 Shorey, S.c & Pereira, T. L. B. Parenting experiences of single fathers: A meta‐synthesis Family Process, 21 pages 10.1111/famp.12830 3.90
91 Shorey, S.c, Pereira, T. L. B., Teo, W. Z., Ang, E., Lau, T. C., & Samarasekera, D. D. Navigating nursing curriculum change during COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review and meta-synthesis Nurse Education in Practice, 65 10.1016/j.nepr.2022.103483 3.20
92 Wong, T. S. M., & Shorey, S.c Experiences of peer support amongst parents of children with neurodevelopmental disorders: A qualitative systematic review Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 67, e92-e99 10.1016/j.pedn.2022.09.004 2.40
93 Chua, J. Y. X., & Shorey, S.c Effectiveness of mobile application-based perinatal interventions in improving parenting outcomes: A systematic review Midwifery, 114 10.1016/j.midw.2022.103457 2.70
94 Shorey, S.c, Loh, D. N. L., Chan, V., Chua, C., & Choolani, M. A. Parents' perceptions of antenatal educational programs: A meta-synthesis Midwifery, 113 10.1016/j.midw.2022.103432 2.70
95 Heng, F. W., & Shorey, S.c Experiences of endometriosis-associated infertility among women and their partners: A qualitative systematic review Journal of Clinical Nursing, 31(19-20), 2706-2715 10.1111/jocn.16145 4.20
96 Wong, B. S. H., & Shorey, S.c Nursing students' experiences and perception of peer feedback: A qualitative systematic review Nurse Education Today, 116, 105469 10.1016/j.nedt.2022.105469 3.90
97 Zhou, W., Poh, C. L., Chan, H. L., & Shorey, S.c Development of entrustable professional activities for advanced practice nurses education Nurse Education Today, 116, 105462 10.1016/j.nedt.2022.105462 3.90
98 Shorey, S.c, & Chua, C. Nurses and nursing students' experiences on pediatric end-of-life care and death: A qualitative systematic review Nurse Education Today, 112 10.1016/j.nedt.2022.105332 3.90
99 Shorey, S.c, & Ng, E. D. Examining characteristics of descriptive phenomenological nursing studies: A scoping review Journal of Advanced Nursing 10.1111/jan.15244 3.80
100 Shorey, S.c, & Wong, P. Z. E. Traumatic childbirth experiences of new parents: a meta-synthesis Trauma Violence & Abuse 10.1177/1524838020977161 6.40
101 Chua, J. Y. X., & Shorey, S.c The effect of mindfulness-based and acceptance commitment therapy-based interventions to improve the mental well-being among parents of children with developmental disabilities: a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 14 pages 10.1007/s10803-021-04893-1 3.90
102 Shorey, S.c, Ng, E. D., & Wong, C. H. J. Global prevalence of depression and elevated depressive symptoms among adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 61, 287-305 10.1111/bjc.12333 3.10
103 Chua, C. M. S., Ko, S. Q., Lai, Y. F., Lim, Y. W., & Shorey, S. Perceptions of Stakeholders Toward "Hospital at Home" Program in Singapore: A Descriptive Qualitative Study Journal of Patient Safety, 18(3), E606-E612 10.1097/PTS.0000000000000890 2.20
104 Shum, K. W., Ang, M. Q., & Shorey, S.c Perceptions of physical activity during pregnancy among women: A descriptive qualitative study Midwifery, 107 10.1016/j.midw.2022.103264 2.70
105 Tan, F. S. I., & Shorey, S.c Experiences of women with breast cancer while working or returning to work: a qualitative systematic review and meta-synthesis Supportive Care in Cancer, 30(4), 2971-2982 10.1007/s00520-021-06615-w 3.10
106 Kunaviktikul, W., Ang, E., Baridwan, N. S., Bernal, A. B., Dones, L. B. P., Flores, J. L., ... & Shorey, S. Nursing students' and faculty members' experiences of online education during COVID-19 across Southeast Asia: A Photovoice study Nurse Education Today, 111 10.1016/j.nedt.2022.105307 3.90
107 Shorey, S.c, & Chua, J. Y. X. Nursing students' insights of learning evidence-based practice skills using interactive online technology: Scoping review Nursing & Health Sciences, 24(1), 83-92 10.1111/nhs.12915 2.70
108 Shorey, S.c, Chan, V., & Lalor, J. G. Perceptions of women and partners on labor and birth positions: A meta-synthesis Birth-Issues in Perinatal Care 10.1111/birt.12574 2.50
109 Shorey, S.c, & Ng, E. D. A Social-Ecological Model of Grandparenting Experiences: A Systematic Review Gerontologist, 62(3), e193-e205 10.1093/geront/gnaa172 5.70
110 Shorey, S.c, Ang, E., Baridwan, N. S., Bonito, S. R., Dones, L. B. P., Flores, J. L. A., ... & Kunaviktikul, W. Salutogenesis and COVID-19 pandemic impacting nursing education across SEANERN affiliated universities: A multi-national study Nurse Education Today, 110 10.1016/j.nedt.2022.105277 3.90
111 Chan, K. K. L., & Shorey, S.c Experiences and needs of children with siblings diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes: A mixed studies systematic review Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 63, 1-8 10.1016/j.pedn.2021.12.002 2.40
112 Chong, K. E., & Shorey, S.c Barriers in adopting health-promoting behaviours among nurses: A qualitative systematic review and meta-synthesis International Journal of Nursing Practice, 28(1), 14 pages 10.1111/ijn.13030 1.90
113 Ang, W. H. D., Lau, S. T., Cheng, L. J., Chew, H. S. J., Tan, J. H., Shorey, S., & Lau, Y. Effectiveness of Resilience Interventions for Higher Education Students: A Meta-Analysis and Metaregression Journal of Educational Psychology, 26 pages 10.1037/edu0000719 4.90
114 Chua, C. M. S., Ko, S. Q., Lai, Y. F., Lim, Y. W., & Shorey, S.c Perceptions of Hospital-at-Home among stakeholders: A meta-synthesis Journal of General Internal Medicine 10.1007/s11606-021-07065-0 5.70
115 Ee, C. H., Wen, S. Q., & Shorey, S.c Intergenerational perspectives of paternal parenting practices: a descriptive qualitative study Journal of Family Issues 10.1177/0192513X21994152 1.70
116 Ng, E. D., Chua, J. Y. X., & Shorey, S.c The effectiveness of educational interventions on traditional bullying and cyberbullying among adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis Trauma Violence & Abuse 10.1177/1524838020933867 6.40
117 Shorey, S.c, Ang, E., Chua, J. Y. X., & Goh, P. S. Coaching interventions among healthcare students in tertiary education to improve mental well-being: A mixed studies review Nurse Education Today, 109, 7 pages 10.1016/j.nedt.2021.105222 3.90
118 Shorey, S.c, & Chua, J. Y. X. Nursing students' insights of learning evidence-based practice skills using interactive online technology: Scoping review Nursing & Health Sciences, 24(1), 83–92 10.1111/nhs.12915 2.70


# Authors Title Journal DOI Impact Factor (IF)
119 Shorey, S.c, Tan, T. C., Thilagamangai., Mathews, J., Yu, C. Y., Lim, S. H., . . . Chong, Y. S. Development of a Supportive Parenting App to Improve Parent and Infant Outcomes in the Perinatal Period: Development Study Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23(12), 17 pages 10.2196/27033 7.40
120 Fang Liow, K. H., Pyng Ng, T. R., Choo, C. H., Lin Koh, S. S., & Shorey, S. The experiences and support needs of women with gestational breast cancer in singapore: A descriptive qualitative study Cancer Nursing, 45(1), E263-E269 10.1097/NCC.0000000000000912 2.60
121 Shorey, Sc., Chan, V., Rajendran, P., & Ang, E. Learning styles, preferences and needs of generation Z healthcare students: Scoping review Nurse Education in Practice, 57, 11 pages 10.1016/j.nepr.2021.103247 3.20
122 Ang, W. H. D., Shorey, S., Hoo, M. X. Y., Chew, H. S. J., & Lau, Y. The role of resilience in higher education: A meta-ethnographic analysis of students' experiences Journal of Professional Nursing, 37(6), 1092-1109 10.1016/j.profnurs.2021.08.010 2.50
123 Shorey, Sc, & Ng, E. D. The efficacy of mindful parenting interventions: A systematic review and meta-analysis International journal of nursing studies, 121, 103996 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2021.103996 8.10
124 Chua, J. Y. X., Ang, E., Lau, S. T. L., & Shorey, Sc. Effectiveness of simulation-based interventions at improving empathy among healthcare students: A systematic review and meta-analysis Nurse Education Today, 104 10.1016/j.nedt.2021.105000 3.90
125 Shorey, Sc., Kua, E. H., Tam, W., Chan, V., Goh, Y. S., Lim, H. M., . . . Mahendran, R. "Where-There-Is-No-Psychiatrist Integrated Personal Therapy" among Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Randomized Pilot Study International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(18), 15 pages 10.3390/ijerph18189514 4.61
126 Chan, S. H., & Shorey, Sc. Healthcare professionals' sense of coherence of parental involvement in neonatal intensive care units: A framework synthesis Research in Nursing & Health,, 44(6), 875-890 10.1002/nur.22178 2.00
127 Shorey, Sc, Ng, E. D., & Downe, S. Cultural competence and experiences of maternity health care providers on care for migrant women: A qualitative meta-synthesis Birth-Issues in Perinatal Care, 48(4), 458-469 10.1111/birt.12581 2.50
128 Setiawan, A., Fitriyani, P., Istifada, R., & Shorey, S Healthcare providers and caregivers' perspectives on the quality of child health services in urban indonesia: A mixed-methods study International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(15) 10.3390/ijerph18158047 4.61
129 Lai, Y. F., Lim, Y. W., Sen Kuan, W., Goh, J., Soong, J. T. Y., Shorey, Sc, & Ko, S. Q. Asian Attitudes and Perceptions Toward Hospital-At-Home: A Cross-Sectional Study Frontiers in Public Health, 9, 8 pages 10.3389/fpubh.2021.704465 5.20
130 Lu, Y. L., & Shorey, Sc. Nurses' perceptions of emotional intelligence in the clinical setting: A qualitative systematic review Journal of Nursing Management, 29(8), 2453-2460 10.1111/jonm.13406 5.50
131 Jiang, Y., Koh, K. W. L., Ramachandran, H. J., Nguyen, H. D., Lim, D. S., Tay, Y. K., …Shorey, S., & Wang, W. The effectiveness of a nurse-led home-based heart failure self-management programme (the HOM-HEMP) for patients with chronic heart failure: A three-arm stratified randomized controlled trial International Journal of Nursing Studies, 122 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2021.104026 8.10
132 Marjorie, K. Y. L., Li Cheng Anna, T., & Shorey, S.c Perceptions of distressed fathers in the early postpartum period: a descriptive qualitative study Journal of Family Issues, 42(10), 2397-2417 10.1177/0192513X20980042 1.70
133 Nurumal, M. S., Zain, S. H. M., Mohamed, M. H. N., & Shorey, S.c Effectiveness of school-based smoking prevention education program (SPEP) among non-smoking adolescents: A quasi-experimental study Journal of School Nursing, 10 pages 10.1177/1059840519871641 1.70
134 Shorey, S.c, Kua, E. H., Tam, W., Chan, V., Goh, Y. S., Lim, H. M., . . . Mahendran, R. "Where-There-Is-No-Psychiatrist Integrated Personal Therapy" among community-dwelling older adults: a randomized pilot study International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(18), 9514 10.3390/ijerph18189514 4.61
135 Shorey, S. c, & Ng, E. D. The efficacy of mindful parenting interventions: A systematic review and meta-analysis International Journal of Nursing Studies, 121, 103996 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2021.103996 8.10
136 Chua, J. Y. X., Ang, E., Lau, S. T. L., & Shorey, S.c Effectiveness of simulation-based interventions at improving empathy among healthcare students: A systematic review and meta-analysis Nurse Education Today, 104 10.1016/j.nedt.2021.105000 3.90
137 Chan, S. H., & Shorey, S.c Healthcare professionals' sense of coherence of parental involvement in neonatal intensive care units: A framework synthesis Research in Nursing & Health 10.1002/nur.22178 2.00
138 Shorey, S.c, Ng, E. D., & Downe, S. Cultural competence and experiences of maternity health care providers on care for migrant women: A qualitative meta-synthesis Birth-Issues in Perinatal Care 10.1111/birt.12581 2.50
139 Setiawan, A., Fitriyani, P., Istifada, R., & Shorey, S. Healthcare providers and caregivers' perspectives on the quality of child health services in urban Indonesia: A mixed-methods study International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(15) 10.3390/ijerph18158047 4.61
140 Lu, Y. L., & Shorey, S.c Nurses' perceptions of emotional intelligence in the clinical setting: A qualitative systematic review Journal of Nursing Management 10.1111/jonm.13406 5.50
141 Shorey, S.c, Lau, L. S. T., Tan, J. X., Ng, E. D., & Aishworiya, R. Families with children with neurodevelopmental disorders during COVID-19: A scoping review Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 46(5), 514-525 10.1093/jpepsy/jsab029 3.60
142 Shorey, S.c, & Wong, P. Z. E. A qualitative systematic review on nurses' experiences of workplace bullying and implications for nursing practice Journal of Advanced Nursing, 15 pages 10.1111/jan.14912 3.80
143 Chua, J. Y. X., & Shorey, S.c Effectiveness of end-of-life educational interventions at improving nurses and nursing students' attitude toward death and care of dying patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis Nurse Education Today, 101 10.1016/j.nedt.2021.104892 3.90
144 Shorey, S.c, Ng, E. D., & Chee, C. Y. I. Anxiety and depressive symptoms of women in the perinatal period during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review and meta-analysis Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 11 pages 10.1177/14034948211011793 3.40
145 Shaohua, L., & Shorey, S.c Psychosocial interventions on psychological outcomes of parents with perinatal loss: A systematic review and meta-analysis International Journal of Nursing Studies, 117 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2021.103871 8.10
146 Tan, A. J. N., Tiew, L. H., & Shorey, S.c Experiences and needs of parents of palliative paediatric oncology patients: A meta-synthesis European Journal of Cancer Care, 20 pages 10.1111/ecc.13388 2.10
147 Jiang, Y., Koh, K. W. L., Ramachandran, H. J., Tay, Y. K., Wu, V. X., Shorey, S., & Wang, W. Patients' experiences of a nurse-led, home-based heart failure self-management program: findings from a qualitative process evaluation Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23(4), 12 pages 10.2196/28216 7.40
148 Lau, S. T., Ang, E., Shorey, S., & Lau, Y. Entrustable professional activity assessment tool for clinical procedures: A psychometric study Journal of Clinical Nursing, 10 pages 10.1111/jocn.15788 4.20
149 Shorey, S.c, & Chan, V. Women living with osteoporosis: a meta-synthesis Gerontologist, 61(3), E39-E47 10.1093/geront/gnz173 5.70
150 Shorey, S.c, & Ng, E. D. The use of virtual reality simulation among nursing students and registered nurses: A systematic review Nurse Education Today, 98 10.1016/j.nedt.2020.104662 3.90
151 Ong, Z. H., Ng, C. H., Tok, P. L., Kiew, M. J. X., Huso, Y., Shorey, S.c, & Ng, Y. P. M. Sources of distress experienced by parents of children with chronic kidney disease on dialysis: A qualitative systematic review Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 57, 11-17 10.1016/j.pedn.2020.10.018 2.40
152 Toh, Z. Q., Koh, S. S. L., Lim, P. K., Lim, J. S. T., Tam, W., & Shorey, S.c Diabetes related emotional distress among children/adolescents and their parents: a descriptive cross-sectional study Clinical Nursing Research, 30(3), 311-321 10.1177/1054773819867252 1.70
153 Shorey, S.c, & Chan, V. Effectiveness of healthy eating interventions among children: A quantitative systematic review Journal of Advanced Nursing 10.1111/jan.14606 3.80
154 Ee, C. H., Wen, S. Q., & Shorey, S.c Intergenerational perspectives of paternal parenting practices: a descriptive qualitative study Journal of Family Issues 10.1177/0192513X21994152 1.70
155 Shorey, S.c, Ng, E. D., Law, E. C., Wong, J. C. M., Loke, K. Y., & Tam, W. W. S. Physical activity interventions and nutrition-based interventions for children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2021(1) 10.1002/14651858.CD013858 8.40
156 Chew, Y. J. M., Ang, S. L. L., & Shorey, S.c Experiences of new nurses dealing with death in a paediatric setting: A descriptive qualitative study Journal of Advanced Nursing, 77(1), 343-354 10.1111/jan.14602 3.80
157 Shorey, S.c, & Ng, E. D. Use of salutogenic approach among children and adolescents with chronic illnesses: a scoping review Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 56, e7-e18 10.1016/j.pedn.2020.06.017 2.40
158 Shorey, S.c, & Chan, V. The experiences and needs of Asian older adults who are socially isolated and lonely: A qualitative systematic review Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 92 10.1016/j.archger.2020.104254 4.00
159 Shorey, S.c, Demutska, A., Chan, V., & Siah, K. T. H. Adults living with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS): A qualitative systematic review Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 140 10.1016/j.jpsychores.2020.110289 4.70


# Authors Title Journal DOI Impact Factor (IF)
160 Tan, R., Koh, S., Wong, M. E., Rui, M., & Shorey, S.c Caregiver stress, coping strategies, and support needs of mothers caring for their children who are undergoing active cancer treatments Clinical Nursing Research, 9 pages 10.1177/1054773819888099 1.70
161 Ong, D. S. -P., Chua, M. T., & Shorey, S.c Experiences and needs of perimenopausal women with climacteric symptoms in Singapore: a qualitative study Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 31(4), 369-377 10.1177/1043659619870569 2.10
162 Chua, J. Y. X., Tam, W., & Shorey, S.c Research Review: Effectiveness of universal eating disorder prevention interventions in improving body image among children: a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines 10.1111/jcpp.13164 7.60
163 Jiang, Y., Shorey, S., Nguyen, H. D., Wu, V. X., Lee, C. Y., Yang, L. F., . . . Wang, W. The development and pilot study of a nurse-led HOMe-based HEart failure self-Management Programme (the HOM-HEMP) for patients with chronic heart failure, following Medical Research Council guidelines European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 19(3), 212-222 10.1177/1474515119872853 2.90
164 Marjorie, K. Y. L., Li Cheng Anna, T., & Shorey, S.c Perceptions of distressed fathers in the early postpartum period: a descriptive qualitative study Journal of Family Issues, 42(10), 2397-2417 10.1177/0192513X20980042 1.70
165 Shorey, S.c, Ang, E., Yamina, A., & Tam, C. Perceptions of public on the COVID- 19 outbreaks in Singapore: a qualitative content analysis Journal of Public Health, 42(4), 665-671 10.1093/pubmed/fdaa105 4.70
166 Elangkovan, I. T., & Shorey, S.c Experiences and needs of parents caring for children with cerebral palsy: a systematic review Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 41(9), 730-739 10.1097/DBP.0000000000000880 2.40
167 Liow, K. H. F., Ng, T. R. P., Choo, C. H., Koh, S. S. L., & Shorey, S.c The experiences and support needs of women with gestational breast cancer in Singapore: a descriptive qualitative study Cancer Nursing 10.1097/NCC.0000000000000912 2.60
168 Shorey, S.c, & Chan, V. Lessons from past epidemics and pandemics and a way forward for pregnant women, midwives and nurses during COVID-19 and beyond: A meta-synthesis Midwifery, 90 10.1016/j.midw.2020.102821 2.70
169 Shorey, S.c, Ang, E., Ng, E. D., Yap, J., Lau, L. S. T., & Chui, C. K. Communication skills training using virtual reality: A descriptive qualitative study Nurse Education Today, 94, 104592 10.1016/j.nedt.2020.104592 3.90
170 Jain, S. R., Sui, Y., Ng, C. H., Chen, Z. X., Goh, L. H., & Shorey, S.c Patients 'and healthcare professionals' perspectives towards technology-assisted diabetes self-management education. A qualitative systematic review PLoS One, 15(8 August) 10.1371/journal.pone.0237647 3.70
171 Shorey, S.c, Ying, L., & Yobas, P. Parenting outcomes and predictors of parenting satisfaction in the early postpartum period Western Journal of Nursing Research, 43(1), 13-24 10.1177/0193945920914593 1.80
172 Bauer, G. F., Roy, M., Bakibinga, P., Contu, P., Downe, S., Eriksson, M., Shorey S.. . . Vinje, H. F. Future directions for the concept of salutogenesis: a position article Health Promotion International, 35(2), 187-195 10.1093/heapro/daz057 2.70
173 Lau, S. T., Ang, E., Samarasekera, D. D., & Shorey, S. Evaluation of an undergraduate nursing entrustable professional activities framework: An exploratory qualitative research Nurse Education Today, 87 10.1016/j.nedt.2020.104343 3.90
174 Shorey, S.c, & Chan, V. Paternal mental health during the perinatal period: A qualitative systematic review Journal of Advanced Nursing 10.1111/jan.14325 3.80
175 Lau, S. T., Ang, E., Samarasekera, D. D., & Shorey, S.c Development of undergraduate nursing entrustable professional activities to enhance clinical care and practice Nurse Education Today, 87 10.1016/j.nedt.2020.104347 3.90
176 Shorey, S.c, Ang, L., & Lau, Y. Efficacy of mind-body therapies and exercise-based interventions on menopausal-related outcomes among Asian perimenopause women: A systematic review, meta-analysis, and synthesis without a meta-analysis Journal of Advanced Nursing 10.1111/jan.14304 3.80
177 Shorey, S.c, & Ng, E. D. The lived experiences of children and adolescents with non-communicable disease: A systematic review of qualitative studies Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 51, 75-84 10.1016/j.pedn.2019.12.013 2.40
178 Poh, F. J. X., & Shorey, S.c A literature review of factors influencing injurious falls Clinical Nursing Research, 29(3), 141-148 10.1177/1054773818802187 1.70
179 Ho, L. K. H., Tong, V. J. W., Syn, N., Nagarajan, N., Tham, E. H., Tay, S. K., Shorey S... Law, E. C. N. Gut microbiota changes in children with autism spectrum disorder: a systematic review Gut Pathogens, 12, 6 10.1186/s13099-020-0346-1 4.20
180 Shorey, S.c, & Ng, E. D. Application of the salutogenic theory in the perinatal period: A systematic mixed studies review International Journal of Nursing Studies, 101 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2019.103398 8.10


# Authors Title Journal DOI Impact Factor (IF)
181 Dennis, C. -L., Brown, H. K., Chung-Lee, L., Abbass-Dick, J., Shorey, S., Marini, F., & Brennenstuhl, S. Prevalence and predictors of exclusive breastfeeding among immigrant and Canadian-born Chinese women Maternal and Child Nutrition, 15(2) 10.1111/mcn.12687 3.40
182 Shorey, S.c, Ang, L., & Tam, W. W. S. Informational interventions on paternal outcomes during the perinatal period: A systematic review Women and Birth, 32(2), E145-E158 10.1016/j.wombi.2018.06.008 3.80
183 Shorey, S.c, Ang, E., Yap, J., Ng, E. D., Lau, S. T., & Chui, C. K. A virtual counselling application using artificial intelligence for communication skills training in nursing education: development study Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21(11) 10.2196/17064 7.40
184 Shorey, S.c, Ng, E. D., Haugan, G., & Law, E. The parenting experiences and needs of Asian primary caregivers of children with autism: A meta-synthesis Autism, 14 pages 10.1177/1362361319886513 5.20
185 Shorey, S.c, & Ng, E. D. Evaluation of a technology-based peer-support intervention program for preventing postnatal depression (Part 2): Qualitative study Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21(8) 10.2196/12915 7.40
186 Shorey, S.c, Chee, C. Y. I., Ng, E. D., Lau, Y., Dennis, C. -L., & Chan, Y. H. Evaluation of a technology-based peer-support intervention program for preventing postnatal depression (part 1): randomized controlled trial Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21(8) 10.2196/12410 7.40
187 Toh, Z. Q., Koh, S. S. L., Lim, P. K., Lim, J. S. T., Tam, W., & Shorey, S.c Diabetes related emotional distress among children/adolescents and their parents: a descriptive cross-sectional study Clinical Nursing Research, 30(3), 311-321 10.1177/1054773819867252 1.70
188 Sohmaran, C. D. O., & Shorey, S.c Psychological interventions in reducing stress, depression and anxiety among parents of children and adolescents with developmental disabilities: a systematic review and Meta-analysis Journal of Advanced Nursing 10.1111/jan.14166 3.80
189 Garay, R. P., Charpeaud, T., Logan, S., Hannaert, P., Garay, R. G., Llorca, P. -M., & Shorey, S. Pharmacotherapeutic approaches to treating depression during the perimenopause Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy, 20(15), 1837-1845 10.1080/14656566.2019.1645122 3.20
190 Quek, G. J. H., Ho, G. H. L., Hassan, N. B., Quek, S. E. H., & Shorey, S.c Perceptions of preceptorship among newly graduated nurses and preceptors: A descriptive qualitative study Nurse Education in Practice, 37, 62-67 10.1016/j.nepr.2019.05.001 3.20
191 Shorey, S.c, Ang, L., & Chee, C. Y. I. A systematic mixed-studies review on mindfulness-based childbirth education programs and maternal outcomes Nursing Outlook 10.1016/j.outlook.2019.05.004 4.30
192 Leng, R. N. W., Shorey, S.c, Yin, S. L. K., Chan, C. P. P., & He, H. G. Fathers' involvement in their wives'/partners' breastfeeding: a descriptive correlational study Journal of Human Lactation 10.1177/0890334419830988 2.60
193 Shorey, S.c, Lau, T. C., Lau, L. S. T., & Ang, E. Entrustable professional activities in health care education: a scoping review Medical Education, 53(8), 766-777 10.1111/medu.13879 7.10
194 Kamaludin, S. A. N., Zhang, X. R., & Shorey, S.c Perspectives of women experiencing Menorrhagia: A descriptive qualitative study Journal of Clinical Nursing, 28(13-14), 2659-2668 10.1111/jocn.14856 4.20
195 Shorey, S.c, & Ng, E. D. Evaluation of mothers' perceptions of a technology-based supportive educational parenting program (part 2): qualitative study Journal of medical Internet research, 21(2), e11065 10.2196/11065 7.40
196 Nurumal, M. S., Salahuddin, M. A., Daud, A., Shahadan, S. Z., Abdul-Mumin, K., & Shorey, S. Learning styles of Malaysian Generation 'Y' healthcare undergraduates Enfermeria Clinica 10.1016/j.enfcli.2019.04.070 0.50
197 Shorey, S.c, Ng, Y. P. M., Ng, E. D., Siew, A. L., Morelius, E., Yoong, J., & Gandhi, M. Effectiveness of a technology-based supportive educational parenting program on parental outcomes (part 1): randomized controlled trial Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21(2) 10.2196/10816 7.40
198 Lim, N. L. Y., & Shorey, S.c Effectiveness of technology-based educational interventions on the empowerment related outcomes of children and young adults with cancer: A quantitative systematic review Journal of Advanced Nursing 10.1111/jan.13974 3.80
199 Shorey, S.c Goh, M. L., Ang, S. Y., Ang, L., Devi, M. K., & Ang, E. The progression and future of nursing in Singapore: a descriptive qualitative study Journal of Transcultural Nursing 10.1177/1043659618823909 2.10
200 André, B., Dahlø, R., Eilertsen, T., Hildingsson, I., Shorey, S., & Ringdal, G. I. Coping strategies of Norwegian healthcare professionals facing perinatal death: A qualitative study International Journal of Childbirth, 9(3), 107-119 10.1891/IJCBIRTH-D-19-00019 0.70
201 Ng, R. W. L., Shorey, S.c, & He, H. G. Integrative review of the factors that influence fathers' involvement in the breastfeeding of their infants JOGNN - Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing, 48(1), 16-26 10.1016/j.jogn.2018.10.005 1.80
202 Shorey, S.c, & Ng, E. D. The experiences and needs of Asian women experiencing menopausal symptoms: a meta-synthesis Menopause, 26(5), 557-569 10.1097/GME.0000000000001269 2.70
203 Shorey, S.c, & Ang, L. Experiences, needs, and perceptions of paternal involvement during the first year after their infants' birth: A meta-synthesis PLoS One, 14(1) 10.1371/journal.pone.0210388 3.70
204 Shorey, S.c Ang. L., Goh, E.L., Lopez, V. Effectiveness of a Technology-Based Supportive Educational: A follow-up qualitative study (2019) Midwifery, 70, 7-14 10.1016/j.midw.2018.12.003 2.70
205 Teo, C. S. M., Claire, C. A., Lopez, V., & Shorey, S. Pressure injury prevention and management practices among nurses: A realist case study International Wound Journal, 16(1), 153-163 10.1111/iwj.13006 3.10
206 Shorey, S.c, Ang, L., Goh, E. C. L., & Gandhi, M. Factors influencing paternal involvement during infancy: A prospective longitudinal study Journal of Advanced Nursing 10.1111/jan.13848 3.80
207 Maastrup, R., Haiek, L. N., Lubbe, W., Meerkin, D. Y., Wolff, L., Hatasaki, K., Shorey S.… O'Donoghue, D. Compliance with the Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative for Neonatal Wards (Neo-BFHI): A cross-sectional study in 36 countries Maternal and Child Nutrition, 15(2) 10.1111/mcn.12690 3.40
208 Shorey, S.c, Ang, L., Goh, E. C. L., & Lopez, V. Paternal involvement of Singaporean fathers within six months postpartum: A follow-up qualitative study Midwifery, 70, 7-14 10.1016/j.midw.2018.12.003 2.70


# Authors Title Journal DOI Impact Factor (IF)
209 Suresh, R., Wang, W., Koh, K. W. L., Shorey, S.c, Lopez, V. Self-Efficacy and Health-Related Quality of Life Among Heart Failure Patients in Singapore: A Descriptive Correlational Study Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 29(4), 326-334 10.1177/1043659617723437 2.10
210 Shorey, S.c, Chee, C. Y. I., Ng, E. D., Chan, Y. H., Tam, W. W. S., & Chong, Y. S. Prevalence and incidence of postpartum depression among healthy mothers: A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal of Psychiatric Research, 104, 235-248 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2018.08.001 4.80
211 Angelhoff, C., Blomqvist, Y. T., Sahlén Helmer, C., Olsson, E., Shorey, S., Frostell, A., & Mörelius, E. Effect of skin-to-skin contact on parents' sleep quality, mood, parent-infant interaction and cortisol concentrations in neonatal care units: Study protocol of a randomised controlled trial BMJ Open, 8(7) 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-021606 2.90
212 Xue, W. L., Shorey, S.c, Wang, W., & He, H. G. Fathers' involvement during pregnancy and childbirth: An integrative literature review Midwifery, 62, 135-145 10.1016/j.midw.2018.04.013 2.70
213 Yeo, C., Fang, H., Thilagamangai., Koh, S. S. L., & Shorey, S. Factors affecting Pap smear uptake in a maternity hospital: A descriptive cross-sectional study Journal of Advanced Nursing, 74(11), 2533-2543 10.1111/jan.13769 3.80
214 Bos, L. S., Shorey, S., Kulantaipian, T. S., Sng, J. S. P., Tam, W. W. S., & Koh, S. S. L. Effectiveness of the neonatal discharge program for very low-birth-weight infants on parental efficacy and psychological distress Journal of Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing, 32(4), E11-E21 10.1097/JPN.0000000000000337 1.30
215 Wong, C. Y. W., Shorey, S.c, Liew, K., He, H. -G., & Koh, S. S. L. A qualitative study on midwives' perceptions of physiologic birth in Singapore Journal of Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing, 32(4), 315-323 10.1097/JPN.0000000000000321 1.30
216 Lopez, V., Yobas, P., Chow, Y. L., & Shorey, S. Does building resilience in undergraduate nursing students happen through clinical placements? A qualitative study Nurse Education Today, 67, 1-5 10.1016/j.nedt.2018.04.020 3.90
217 Shorey, S.c, Yang, Y. Y., & Dennis, C. -L. A mobile health app-based postnatal educational program (home-but not alone): descriptive qualitative study Journal of Medical Internet Research, 20(4), e119 10.2196/jmir.9188 7.40
218 Amin, N. A. L., Tam, W. W. S., & Shorey, S. Enhancing first-time parents' self-efficacy: A systematic review and meta-analysis of universal parent education interventions' efficacy International Journal of Nursing Studies, 82, 149-162 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2018.03.021 8.10
219 Xue, W. L., He, H. -G., Chua, Y. J., Wang, W., & Shorey, S. Factors influencing first-time fathers' involvement in their wives' pregnancy and childbirth: A correlational study Midwifery, 62, 20-28 10.1016/j.midw.2018.03.002 2.70
220 Shorey, S.c, Wang, W., Yang, Y. Y., & Yobas, P. Psychometric Properties of the Parenting Efficacy Scale among Parents during the Postnatal Period in Singapore Journal of Child and Family Studies, 27(6), 1786-1793 10.1007/s10826-018-1022-7 2.10
221 Quek, G. J. H., & Shorey, S.c Perceptions, Experiences, and Needs of Nursing Preceptors and Their Preceptees on Preceptorship: An Integrative Review Journal of Professional Nursing, 34(5), 417-428 10.1016/j.profnurs.2018.05.003 2.50
222 Jiang, Y., Shorey, S., Seah, B., Chan, W. X., Tam, W. W. S., & Wang, W. The effectiveness of psychological interventions on self-care, psychological and health outcomes in patients with chronic heart failure-A systematic review and meta-analysis International Journal of Nursing Studies, 78, 16-25 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2017.08.006 8.10
223 Shorey, S.c, Chee, C., Chong, Y. -S., Ng, E. D., Lau, Y., & Dennis, C. -L. Evaluation of Technology-Based Peer Support Intervention Program for Preventing Postnatal Depression: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial Journal of Medical Internet Research, 20(3), e81 10.2196/resprot.9416 7.40
224 Shorey, S.c, Ang, L., & Goh, E. C. L. Lived experiences of Asian fathers during the early postpartum period: Insights from qualitative inquiry Midwifery, 60, 30-35 10.1016/j.midw.2018.02.009 2.70
225 Shorey, S.c, Yang, Y. Y., & Ang, E. The impact of negative childbirth experience on future reproductive decisions: A quantitative systematic review Journal of Advanced Nursing, 74(6), 1236-1244 10.1111/jan.13534 3.80
226 He, H., Zhu, L., Chan, S. W. C., Chong, Y. -S., Jiao, N., Chan, Y. H., . . . Shorey, S.c The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of web-based and home-based postnatal psychoeducational interventions for first-time mothers: randomized controlled trial protocol Journal of Medical Internet Research, 7(1), e35 10.2196/resprot.9042 7.40
227 Shorey, S.c, Ng, Y. P. M., Siew, A. L., Yoong, J., & Mörelius, E. Effectiveness of a technology-based supportive educational parenting program on parental outcomes in Singapore: protocol for a randomized controlled trial Journal of Medical Internet Research, 7(1) 10.2196/resprot.8062 7.40
228 Ang, S. H., Koh, S. S. L., Lee, X. H. H. T., & Shorey, S. Experiences of adolescents living with cancer: A descriptive qualitative study Journal of Child Health Care, 22(4), 532-544 10.1177/1367493518763109 1.90
229 Chew H. S. J., Thiara, E., Lopez, V., & Shorey, S. Turning frequency in adult bedridden patients to prevent hospital-acquired pressure ulcer: A scoping review International Wound Journal, 15(2), 225-236 10.1111/iwj.12855 3.10
230 Shorey, S.c, Kowitlawakul, Y., Devi, M. K., Chen, H. -C., Soong, S. K. A., & Ang, E. Blended learning pedagogy designed for communication module among undergraduate nursing students: A quasi-experimental study Nurse Education Today, 61, 120-126 10.1016/j.nedt.2017.11.011 3.90
231 Shorey, S.c, Siew, A. L., & Ang, E. Experiences of nursing undergraduates on a redesigned blended communication module: A descriptive qualitative study Nurse Education Today, 61, 77-82 10.1016/j.nedt.2017.11.012 3.90
232 Lau, Y., Tha, P. H., Ho-Lim, S. S. T., Wong, L. Y., Lim, P. I., Citra Nurfarah, B. Z. M., Shorey, S. An analysis of the effects of intrapartum factors, neonatal characteristics, and skin-to-skin contact on early breastfeeding initiation Maternal and Child Nutrition, 14(1) 10.1111/mcn.12492 3.40


# Authors Title Journal DOI Impact Factor (IF)
233 Shorey, S.c, Ng, Y. P. M., Danbjorg, D. B., Dennis, C. -L., & Morelius, E. Effectiveness of the "Home-but not Alone' mobile health application educational programme on parental outcomes: a randomized controlled trial, study protocol Journal of Advanced Nursing, 73(1), 253-264 10.1111/jan.13151 3.80
234 Wong, C. Y. W., He, H. -G., Shorey, S.c, & Koh, S. S. L. An integrative literature review on midwives' perceptions on the facilitators and barriers of physiological birth International Journal of Nursing Practice, 23(6), 15 pages 10.1111/ijn.12602 1.90
235 Kurup, L., He, H. G., Wang, X., Wang, W., Shorey, S. A descriptive qualitative study of perceptions of parents on their child's vaccination Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26(23-24), 4857-4867 10.1111/jocn.13958 4.20
236 Kurup, L., Shorey, S.c, Wang, W., & He, H. -G. An integrative review on parents' perceptions of their children's vaccinations Journal of Child Health Care, 21(3), 343-352 10.1177/1367493517722864 1.90
237 Pung, L. X., Shorey, S., Goh, Y. S. Job satisfaction, demands of immigration among international nursing staff working in the long-term care setting: A cross-sectional study Applied Nursing Research, 36, 42-49 10.1016/j.apnr.2017.05.008 2.20
238 Lau, Y., Klainin-Yobas, P., Htun, T. P., Wong, S. N., Tan, K. L., Ho-Lim, S. T., Chi, C., Tsai, C., Ong, K. W., Shorey, S., Tam, W. S. W. Electronic-based lifestyle interventions in overweight or obese perinatal women: a systematic review and meta-analysis Obesity reviews, 18(9), 1071-1087 10.1111/obr.12557 8.90
239 Voon, S. T., Lay, J. T. S., San, W. T. W., Shorey, S.c, Lin, S. K. S. Comparison of midwife-led care and obstetrician-led care on maternal and neonatal outcomes in Singapore: A retrospective cohort study Midwifery, 53, 71-79 10.1016/j.midw.2017.07.010 2.70
240 Shorey, S.c, Dennis, C. L., Bridge, S., Chong, Y. S., Holroyd, E., He, H. G. First-time fathers' postnatal experiences and support needs: A descriptive qualitative study Journal of Advanced Nursing, 73(12), 2987-2996 10.1111/jan.13349 3.80
241 Shorey, S.c, Lay, Y., Dennis, C.-L., Chan, Y, S., Tam, W., Chan, Y. H. A randomized controlled trial to examine the effectiveness of the 'Home-but not Alone' mobile health application educational programme on parental outcomes Journal of Advanced Nursing, 73(9), 2103-2117 10.1111/jan.13293 3.80
242 Shorey, S.c, Andre, B., Lopez, V. The experiences and needs of healthcare professionals facing perinatal death: A scoping review International Journal of Nursing Studies, 68, 25-39 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2016.12.007 8.10
243 Yang, Y.Y., He, H.G., Lee, S.Y., Holroyd, E., Shorey, S.c, & Koh, S.S. Perceptions of parents with preterm infants hospitalised in Singaporean neonatal intensive care unit Journal of Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing, 31(3), 263-273 10.1097/JPN.0000000000000239 1.30


# Authors Title Journal DOI Impact Factor (IF)
244 Shorey, S.c, & Ang, E. Negative childbirth experiences and future reproductive decisions: a systematic review protocol JBI database of systematic reviews and implementation reports, 14(9), 15-24 10.11124/JBISRIR-2016-003075 2.70
245 Shorey, S.c, He, H. G., Mörelius, E. Skin-to-skin contact by fathers and the impact on infant and paternal outcomes: an integrative review Midwifery, 40, 207-217 10.1016/j.midw.2016.07.007 2.70
246 Morellius, E., He, H.-G., Shorey, S. Salivary cortisol reactivity in preterm infants in neonatal intensive care: an integrative review International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13(3), 337 10.3390/ijerph13030337 4.61


# Authors Title Journal DOI Impact Factor (IF)
247 Shorey, S., Chan, W.C.S., Chong, Y.S., & He, H.G. Predictors of maternal parental self-efficacy among primiparas in the early postnatal period Western Journal of Nursing Research, 37(12), 1604-1622 10.1177/0193945914537724 1.80
248 Shorey, S., Chan, S.W.C., Chong, Y. S. & He, H.G. A randomized controlled trial of the effectiveness of a postnatal psychoeducation programme on self-efficacy, social support and postnatal depression among primiparas Journal of Advanced Nursing, 71(6):1260-1273 10.1111/jan.12590 3.80
249 Shorey, S., Chan, W. C., Chong, Y. S., He, H. G. A randomized controlled trial of the effectiveness of a postnatal psychoeducation programme on outcomes of primiparas: study protocol Journal of Advanced Nursing, 71(1), 193-203 10.1111/jan.12461 3.80
250 Shorey, S., Chan, S.W.C., Chong, Y.S. & He, H.G. Perceptions of primiparas on a postnatal psychoeducation programme: The process evaluation Midwifery, 31(1), 155-163 10.1016/j.midw.2014.08.001 2.70


# Authors Title Journal DOI Impact Factor (IF)
251 Ong, S.F., Chan, W.C.S., Shorey, S., Chong, Y.S., Klainin-Yobas, P., & He, H.G. Postnatal experiences and support needs of first-time mothers in Singapore: A descriptive qualitative study Midwifery, 30(6), 772-778 10.1016/j.midw.2013.09.004 2.70
252 Shorey, S., Chan, W.C.S., Chong, Y.S., & He, H.G. Maternal parental self-efficacy in newborn care and social support needs in Singapore: a correlational study Journal of Clinical Nursing, 23(15-16), 2272-2283 10.1111/jocn.12507 4.20


# Authors Title Journal DOI Impact Factor (IF)
253 Shorey, S., Chan, S.W.C., Chong, Y.S., & He, H.G. A literature review on the effectiveness of home visits support by midwives on postnatal outcomes of mothers International Journal of Nursing Practice, 18(Supplement 1), 123-124 1.90 1.90

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